台灣帶到紐約的 保養好物 My fav skincare products (brought from Taiwan)

1 Onething 積雪草化妝水 onething_official
2 優若美 痘痘貼我覺得不同款式感受差不多mayskin_taiwan
3 Allie UV高效防曬水凝乳EX kanebotw


這系列打算分享各種不同類型的愛用,歡迎留言想看到的主題3/ 穿搭 / 飾品 / 書都行

These are definitely my true love so Im willing to bring them from Taiwan haha (All products mentioned have been used for more than two years)

In this series, I will share various types of my favorites, leave your comment for wished topic (3C/wear/accessories/booksanything is fine)

