台北女孩連跑3間咖啡廳上班 Taipei Gril work in 3 coffee shop

這次回台灣都在家或是去辦公室上班,終於排出一天來咖啡廳當工作女孩,跟著我們最厲害的 I 姐走汪汪汪 1renaaa

I mostly WFH or in office this time in Taiwan, and finally made a day to be that coffee shop work gurlllll. Follow our coffee hopping master woof woof woof 1renaaa

早上的咖啡廳:不在辦公室 outofofficecafehome
下午的咖啡廳:Rocky Doggy rockydoggycoffee
晚上的咖啡廳:PicCafe piccollage.company

