由 #日本食品文化協會 主辦的2020年 #日本美食博覽會,於2020年1月25日星期六下午1點舉行,在熱鬧的好萊塢酒店。
Japanese Food Expo , hosted by the Japanese Food Culture Association in Los Angeles.

這場以美食盛宴推廣日本文化的活動,規模是逐年擴大,現場湧入熱愛日本的族群,包括美國本地和外國移民,所有人透過品嚐 #美食 互相交流匯聚在一起,現場還有日本夜市獨有的小遊戲。“We welcome you to this year’s Japanese Food Expo, where authentic food, Japanese culture and fun all come together,” the organizers said.


“We’re inviting a number of representatives from various prefectures so you can see and taste their exquisite food creations currently sold only in Japan. For those of you who prefer Japanese street-style food, we have those ready for you too. We’ll have ramen, curry, sushi and more for you guys to taste. Don’t miss out on Japanese food, sake, performances and travel exhibits from 50-plus exhibitors.”

當然,膾炙人口的國民美食如 #拉麵,#咖哩,#壽司、#大阪燒、#海鮮蓋飯、炸雞塊、冰淇淋、蜂蜜等,也讓購票入場的民眾大快朵頤。重頭戲之一,是現場表演的鮪魚秀,重達百磅的鮪魚被師傅俐落刀法快速分解,觀眾亦可在現場吃到最新鮮的生魚片。

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