美國國際學生畢業在紐約找工作 Job hunting as an international studnet in NYC

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距離上次找工作面試已經是三年前...真的是一個大工程呢 找工作的大家都辛苦了

紀錄投遞工作的狀況我用 notionhq 製作表格追蹤

表格有一欄是【 工作種類 】像我 marketing / BD / partnership 都有投,尤其 marketing 又細分 social media / campaign / content 不同面向,都是取決職缺怎麼寫,我會在每份工作上標記好,這樣同類型的工作可以用同一份履歷去改比較快


Its been three years since my last job search and interviews... Its quite a BIG effort

To track my job applications, Im using notionhq to create a tracking table.

One column in the table is for 【 Job Types 】Ive applied for roles in marketing, BD, and partnership. Within marketing, Ive further categorized into social media, campaign, and content, depending on the job description. I label each job accordingly so I can quickly tailor my resume for similar roles.
I also recommend tracking the date you apply for each position. This helps you see how long it takes to get a response and understand the companys recruitment pace.

(will share more after having more experiences hehe)


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