不私藏!美國找工作工具 3 My Go-To Job Hunting Tools

馬它mata x 馬它mata x

1 linkedin 找職缺 約 coffee chat
- 我會直接搜索想要的職缺跟地區marketing specialist in NYC),看到有興趣的職缺跟公司就記錄下來,時不時去他們官網看有無適合自己的職缺
- 看到有興趣的職缺,也會進一步找在這間公司的人,私訊詢問有沒有機會 coffee chat & referral
- 我沒有買 LinkedIn Premium

2 notionhq
- 建立表格用來追蹤投遞過的職缺跟進度State / Job Type / Company / Title / Location / Apply Date / Note
- 其中 Job Type 可以方便我快速找出類似的職缺,接著用同份履歷去微調

3 chatgpt
- 用來潤飾句子檢查錯字
- 我都用這個 prompt "this is my resume/cover letter for xyz position in xyz company, please help me revise the wording and ensure there is no typo."
- 建議自己先好再丟到 chatgpt,不然會很沒有人味

1 linkedin - Finding Opportunities People to Coffee Chats

- I search for specific job titles and locations (e.g., marketing specialist in NYC). If I spot an interesting job or company, I keep track and check their website for openings.
- When I find a role I like, I also reach out to people at that company for a possible coffee chat & referral.
- No LinkedIn Premium here

2 notionhq - Tracking Job Applications

- I create a table to track my applications and progress (State / Job Type / Company / Title / Location / Apply Date / Notes).
- The "Job Type" column helps me quickly find similar roles so I can easily tweak my resume for each.

3 chatgpt - Polishing My Words

- I use it to refine sentences and check for typos.
- My go-to prompt: "This is my resume/cover letter for xyz position at xyz company. Please help me revise the wording and ensure there are no typos."
- Please draft it by yourself first and throw into ChatCPT or it will lose the human tone


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