奢華露營初體驗! 老婆竟偷帶異性回帳篷?! First time glamping in Taiwan with Guerlain!

奢華露營初體驗! 查理竟然邀請別的男人?! First time glamping in Taiwan with Guerlain!

今天的影片很特別,因為這是我跟查理第一次一起參加品牌辦的豪華露營! 嬌蘭的露營超好玩,我們拜訪了蜂園,在養蜂人陪伴下近距離接觸蜜蜂,瞭解蜂王乳系列保養的原料。搭巴士回營區的路上,我們發現雄蜂「鮑伯」想偷偷跟我們回家!

Today we have a very special video because me and Charlie are went Glamping together! It was really interesting and we also got the chance to visit a beekeeper with a lot of bees! When we were taking the bus back to our Glamping we found out that the bee “Bob” decided to move in with us!

嬌蘭LINE | https://lin.ee/jG4RL5I
嬌蘭官網 | https://bit.ly/2PJ2x1I

*This video is sponsored by Guerlain

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